This ice cream is a bit racy for me

Let’s play a little game. Here’s the picture, of Meghan with her “Karamel Sutra” ice cream at the Lindon Wal-Mart. What you need to do is provide a caption… what ever is Megs thinking?

Ready, go.

6 thoughts on “This ice cream is a bit racy for me

  1. That is not how caramel is spelled, maybe they should hire Larrie to spell check their labels.

    Does Karamel taste the same as Caramel?

    What is sutra and what would it taste like without the Karamel?

    I wonder why is the freezer door so foggy?

    Why is that person taking pictures of me while I shop?

    Shhh, the fudge chips are speaking.


  2. @tiff – so I tried turning my wrist like that while sitting here at my desk at work… ouch

    @deltalimagolf – if the fudge chips are speaking to her, maybe she’s crazier than somebody with an imaginary blog therapist

    @clancy – mmmmm edible suit


  3. Don’t ask how that didn’t hurt the wrist. Guess I’m incredible.

    Perhaps the thought might have been, “I don’t get it..? Karamel? Sutra? What’s wrong with that?”


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